

Sunday, 18 December 2011

How to choose a forever house

  • Have a conversation about whether you’re hoping to have children and how many, so your looking at your choice realistically.
  • Make sure the house is big enough for the future, or has the potential to be extended.
  • Work out weather the location will still suit any changed circumstances. Eg: are there good high schools nearby?
  •  Check that the house has access to public transport for your children or yourself if you might not want to drive in the future.
  • Try to predict how your needs might change as you age. Eg: Is the house a single storey or double storey.

Monday, 5 December 2011

Don't move, Improve!

Adding an extension to your current home can radically transform your property giving more rooms, extend your living space and will add value to your property and also make it more attractive to buyers.

If adding value to your home, is your main priority, you should first find out the current market value of your home and then get an estimate on its potential value once the extension has been completed. This can be done by explaining your plans to a real estate agent or by looking at similar properties in your area.

With property prices now on the rise there really has never been a better time to extend your home, best of all with a reduction of work in the building industry at the moment, construction companies may well be lowering their prices to compete for work to stay afloat.

This means you get the best of both worlds, a lower investment required to extend your home with the potential for increased property value, so if you plan to extend your current property and move home in a few years, you are wise to act now while costs of building work are still at reasonable expenses.